Wednesday, February 25, 2009

the truth about my condition

I am unashamedly deluded. No matter how many times it happens, I still think I'm untacklable, is this wrong? Every time I do get tackled, which never happens, I truly believe that it's an aberration and that next time I'll happily run over the top of my opponent and score a try. This is the only thing in my whole life where I have 100% unshaterable confidence and I don't know why and I could almost say I don't care, but wouldn't it be nice for this brash dogged egotism to branch out into other areas of my life? Well, come to think of it, if this were to happen, most people probably couldn't stand to be around me at all, this type of hubris isn't exactly endearing, I'll just have to settle for being able to run 'em over. Yehah! P.S. Got a nines tourney this weekend!

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